Traffic generation decides on the success of any online business. Once you have no one visiting your website, it is time for you to question where you did go wrong. Without people and market, how can you sell your products or services.
But it is not the end of the world for your business; there are ways to increase traffic on your site. You just have to do it right, have a good amount of hard work and commitment to make it work. In fact, generating traffic on your site does not need huge sums of money; you do not even have to spend a single penny from your pocket. If you are hell-bent on making your business succeed and taking in good decent profit, you must follow some or combinations of these ten free of cost ways to generate site traffic.
ï Tactic No. 1 ñ Work on the top ranking in free search engines. Be careful in drawing out your keywords so that you can get the best optimization around. Preciseness, directness and concreteness of your keywords will earn you the best ranking. You could also try other ways related to this tactic such as: 1. Concentrate on your keyword inclusion and placement.
2. Create information pages to attract traffic to your site. 3. Present your site to different search engines and online directories. 4. Be clear about what your website is all about so that it can be easily indexed by search engine spiders.
ï Tactic No. 2 ñ Use email promotions to attract visitors back to your site. People who have already visited your site are still potential customers in the future. Do not lose them after their first purchase of your product. Keep and maintain them by continuous emailing. Send them email regularly regarding special offers, news and updates, new products, contests and special prizes for those loyal customers.
Ask them to sign up for your free newsletter. Offer them to join your saverís club plus free gift if they become a member and give them discounts in their future purchase. Establish point system as a reward for loyal customers. They can redeem prizes as points are earned and so on and so forth.
Never fail to constantly make your website as interactive, fun and exciting as possible. ï Tactic No. 3 ñ Join a good handful of affiliate programs that complements your site well. Choose affiliate programs that have a good standing record and give good commissions to those who joined. Evaluate the products you will advertise for the merchants.
Do not allow them to use your site to deceive customers by saying their products and services are worth their money even if it is not. Do not also bombard your website with a lot of these programs which you cannot support and maintain at all. Know your limits. Choose the best programs.
ï Tactic No. 4 ñ Expose your website by exchanging links with sites closely related to yours. But wait, do not try to compete with the site you chose to exchange with. To maximize this opportunity, contact those sites you want to link swap directly and convince them with your joint venture proposal.
Not only that your site will be constantly mentioned but it will improve your search engine ranking. ï Tactic No. 5 ñ Attract repeat visits from your customers through different strategies.
Make your website very useful with a lot of content-rich, information pages. Fill your site with very useful articles, how-to advices and tips and product reviews. Always update and upload new information. Customers usually appreciate these from your site and save them more time than browsing to other sites for the articles they need. If you website releases a lot of these articles try building your archives section so your customers may browse in previous articles which may still be useful.
This will establish the character of your site as to something which carries valuable information and not only as a place to shop for products. ï Tactic No. 6 ñ Offer free but useful contents in your website. Write countless articles and product reviews for free and submit them to popular websites or include them in newsletters that possess huge mailing list. In this way, your website will gain great exposure and popularity.
Do not forget those sites which are hotspots for your niche market and always include your contact information so that they can get back to you and your site. ï Tactic No. 7 ñ Use viral marketing to make customers want to know more about your product. Viral marketing is a kind of advertising that makes people want to share with others information, product or merchandise and freebies.
Different forms can be used for this tactic. Videos or animation clips, complementary music CDs and ebooks which you can write about that would focus on your products or services. ï Tactic No. 8 ñ Post messages on discussion forums, newsgroups and blogging where your niche market can be usually found.
Make your site known to them and offer advices if they do need them. Leave your contact information always at the end of the message. Do not make blatant advertising in these places. ï Tactic No. 9 ñ Encourage your visitors to share to their friends about your site, products and business.
Always have a ìtell-a-friendî button where it is visible in your website or at the end of your every emails to them. If your website offer fun and exciting information meant to be shared like contests, quiz, newsletters or ìtip of the day,î include too an ìemail thisî button. ï Tactic No. 10 ñ Create online business networking communities, try to hook up with entrepreneurs then try to exchange links, information and come up with joint marketing ventures. This can generate a great deal of traffic especially these business communities provide personal profile pages to their members with links to their business sites. Enjoy the pouring in of visitors on your site.
By: Daegan Smith